
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Passive Echolocation Signals

Passive signaling during echolocation involves listening to the ambient noises in the room and interpreting them. It has it's pros, such as not being intrusive or noticeable, but it is not the best method for accurate echolocation. These sounds can be:
  • People talking
  • A running fan
  • Footsteps
  • Clothes rubbing against each other
  • Hands rubbing together
  • Breathing
  • or other omni-directional sound sources.
One of the downfalls of these sounds is the fact that their source is undefined, and therefore any sound that is reflected to the listener has the potential to be bouncing from any direction and can not easily be used to identify the shape of objects.

These sounds can however be used to make broad observations such as the size of a room or proximity to a flat wall. Other estimations may be possible depending on the actual content, level and clarity of the sound and any other distracting sounds that also exist, noticeable or unnoticeable.

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Free 10-Minute Audio Lesson: Learn the Echolocation Click

Learn echolocation clicks with a free audio lesson
Learning how to click is one of the first steps to becoming an effective echoloator. This lesson provides clicking samples of a variety of different clicks and descriptions of when they might be most useful. This lesson has been used by O&M instructors all over the world.

Despite popular belief, it's easy to make your clicking quite subtle or unnoticeable even in quiet settings. There are many different clicks for different situations. I explain all of these in great detail and give examples of where, why and when they can and should be used.

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